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Li’l Treazures

Organic Vintage cotton clips for Baby / kids | Offwhite | set of 5

Organic Vintage cotton clips for Baby / kids | Offwhite | set of 5

Regular price Rs. 599.00 INR
Regular price Rs. 699.00 INR Sale price Rs. 599.00 INR
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Old world charm inspired vintage lace clip for babies and kids.

These pretty and beautiful clips are made of delicate and fine cotton lace by our artisans. These are handcrafted with exquisite craftsmanship. Perfect for any occasion or memorable photography  shoots, baby shower gift or presents. This 5 clip combo is a perfect add-on to your little girl’s outfit to enhance her overall look.

The hair clip is covered with cotton tape.This is a unique sustainable  product with ethical belief towards the environment.

Ethically handcrafted with Love
A lil treazure to cherish your kids childhood.
Great accessory to adorn your hairstyle /Great for gifting.

Age group : Suitable for 12 months to 8 years kids 

Choose from our unique collection of kids hair accessories.
Thoughtfully curated tic tac clips for girls

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