Return & Refund Policy

Shipping policy

Shipping and Returns

  • We offer free shipping on orders above ₹800.00 across India.
  • We also provide Cash on Delivery to most parts of India (charges applied). However, we apologize if we are unable to cover your pin code due to logistical constraints.
  • For all COD orders we seek confirmations from the customers before dispatching it to make sure the order is authentic and genuine.
  • Shipping costs are calculated based on the cumulative weight of the entire order and its destination location(pincode) which may vary for domestic and international deliveries.
  • For all our order we take 2 days for Order processing and excluding 5-10 days transit time which could vary depending on the order and its destination location.If its a custom order it would take 5-7days to process your orders. 
  • Delivery and tracking details will be provided via mail or whatsapp once the order is dispatched.
  • Shipment/delivery time starts from the day of payment confirmation for the order placed with Lil Treazures. The mentioned shipment/delivery time is approximate and provided by the vendor for each product. Lil treazures is not liable for any delay or non-delivery of purchased goods due to reasons beyond its control, such as flood, fire, wars, acts of God, or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • The user must provide authentic and accurate information to avoid any delays or loss of merchandise. Lil treazures  reserves the right to confirm and validate the information provided by the user. If the provided details are found to be untrue, Lil treazures may reject the registration and restrict the user from using its services without prior intimation.

Returns / Delivery

  • We offer refunds only if the products are defective or damaged upon receipt. Hence, if there is a problem or defect with your product, please notify us immediately within 7 working days after receiving the order via email and photos enclosed or via whatsapp customer care service.We would get the package picked, once we receive the package back only then your refund will be processed in 5-6 working days.
  • Delivery of orders will be made to the specified address and is address-specific, not person-specific.
  • Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays in India are not considered business days for standard deliveries.
  • Free shipping may be offered for bulk orders. Contact us for more details.

We strive to provide the best shipping experience possible. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding shipping and returns, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

Hello !

I am Geetika, an aesthete by heart and by profession, an illustrator, artist, designer with a multi- faceted personality.

Environmental and ethical concerns are some of the biggest reasons to include organic and natural products in our daily lives whether it's adorning yourself or for your home or for kids.

We aim to create a brand offering products that are beautiful, eco friendly,sustainable,100% natural, honest, functionally superior, empathetic and artisan led . 

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